Friday, September 30, 2011

it was a slow summer

I know it’s been fall for like a week now, but I’ve been wanting to do this post for awhile and (ironically?) haven’t had much time to write it! It’s ironic because it’s about having way too much time.

It Was a Slow Summer. Specifically at my job, which has really picked up, but during those few summer months I existed in a ten-to-six, over air-conditioned vacuum of free time. I’m not complaining! Most of the time it was awesome.

Towards the end of the summer, I had cause, for one reason or another, to examine my google search history. LOOK at your google search history, you’re guaranteed to find something hilarious.

Without further ado, I present to you Summer 2011: A Snapshot of My Life.

Wanderlust (I actually really hate that word, a lot)

best hikes in new york
cheap getaways nyc
bear mountain ny
bear mountain ny lodging
bear mountain ny hiking
map of united states
hiking pants
machu picchu
machu picchu total cost [too much L]

Celebrities and the Macabre, and Both

princess diana crash photos
beyonce haiku
menendez shootings
iman fgm
most famous steely dan song
mark wahlberg favorite food
kathy griffin plastic surgery
michael douglas facelift
flight 447 black boxes
justine bateman born again
cycling vomiting syndrome

The Culinary Arts
how to use a charcoal grill
how long can I refrigerate tuna
best pesto recipe
low-fat pasta recipes
what is my favorite wine [all of them]
sichuan peppercorn
lentil hummus recipe
how to care for herbs
charcoal grill dessert recipe

Apartment Hunting/Gathering
what is a loft
gross bathroom tiles
fold-out counter space
the container store
how to cook in a tiny kitchen

Personal Probs

beginner weight training for women
easyfeet [I own one now!]
metabolic strength training [yeah right]
baby names
face shape
haircuts for oval faces
long bob
UTIs fertility
UTI preventative diet
lung irritation

the prettiest dress
cowboy words
neutral color wheel
what did the purple shovel say to the pink hoe
baby tuxedo
new york new jersey train conference [?]
gucci mane ice cream tattoo

The End of an Era

nyu wagner academic calendar

I feel like the list above kind of eerily/depressingly sums me up entirely.

Leave your google search gems in the comments! (I always type that with a twinkle in my eye because three people read my blog.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

strange strawberry snacks

There has been a recent upsurge in puzzling strawberry-related paraphernalia poppin’ all up in my life this week!

Exhibit A: This convenience store gem:

I tried to buy a package but realized all of them were open already (“because it’s hot,” according to the cashier. No thanks!) Now I may never know if Strawberried Peanut Butter M&Ms are delicious or gross, because they are SPECIAL EDITION. By the way, is “strawberried” even a word? Nope. What does it mean? Has the peanut butter been exposed to some kind of strawberry treatment? Or is a cool new thing I don’t know about, like “you got STRAWBERRY’D!”

Exhibit B: Someone painted this on the sidewalk outside my apartment:

No, sir, I am NOT hungry for a drippy grayscale strawberry snack! I like this, though.

What will strawberries think of next?!