For his recent birthday, I got my love a wee charcoal grill and two lawn chairs, for use on his apartment building’s rooftop. I want to shout my newfound love for all things flame-grilled from said rooftop.
A few musings on the joys of cooking outdoors:
It makes me feel patriotic! Or at least, as patriotic as I get. I can list on one hand the several things that make me feel Proud To Be An American: the Olympics; fireworks; the ending of Apollo 13 (every time! every time I think they’re not going to make it)…and that’s about it. Engaging in this most American of traditions (right? Isn’t there something “USA! USA!” about cookin’ on the ol’ grill?) makes me feel red, white and blue all over. Freedom! Or something.
It gets me back to my roots! As you may know, cave people invented fire. As a formerly inexperienced grill-user, I’ve really gotten in touch with my mammoth-roasting ancestors; taken my hunted and gathered to the flame, if you will. There really is something primal and timeless about the simple act of casting your food into the fire and smelling that smoky char.
Most importantly, it is delicious! Anyone reading this has probably already been subjected to my rave reviews of my own inaugural grill dessert, but I think it’s worth mentioning again. Yumb.
My man's veggie and tuna steak skewers ain't too shabby neither.
If this were a real blog, I’d say something like, “What about you! Leave your favorite summertime grill recipes in the comments.”
I love grilling!