Oh hi, y'all! This morning, I had grand plans to liveblog the hurricane, but two naps and half a jar of peanut butter later, I've lost my motivation. Especially considering that, for so much build-up, nothing is happening yet! I have a feeling I'll be whistling a different tune in a few hours, though...
So, I'm all hunkered down with my man in his apartment (for once grateful he lives in a fifth-floor walkup!). Luckily, we are more than prepared for whatever emergency Irene may bring our way:

STORM STATION. I wonder why he owns this?
Of course, given the possibility of power outages and a days-long exile in this paradise, we stocked up on some non-perishables and ready-to-eat snacks:

Not sure how this is what two intelligent adults came up with for hurricane rations. No comment on who bought Spam in a non-ironic way.
So, to all three and a half of my readers out there, don't worry for my safety! We're obviously well-equipped to weather the storm. We've got candy bars, peanut butter, and each other. Here's hoping that's all we'll really need!